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The Guns of Ivrea 9781781083482

The Guns of Ivrea 9781781083482

Артикул: 9781781083482
2 627 руб.
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- 2 627 руб.
- На иностранных языках
- Beal Clifford
Год издания
- 2016
Количество книг
- 1
Количество страниц
- 475
Тип обложки
- Мягкие
Возрастное ограничение
- 16+
- 0.33
- Фэнтези
Название книги
- The Guns of Ivrea
- 9781781083482
Тип бумаги
- Офсетные
- Современные
Язык текста
- Английские
- Зарубежные
Книжная серия
- Tale of Valdur


Patrick O'Brian meets George R. R. Martin in a gritty new fantasy epic. Acquel Galenus, former thief and now monk, uncovers a terrible secret under the Great Temple at Livorna, one that could shake the faith to its core. A secret that could get him killed. A secret that could enable an older, more sinister form of worship to be reborn. Pirate princeling Nicolo Danamis, mercenary to the King and captain of the largest fleet in Valdur, has made one deal too many, and enemies are now closing in to destroy him.Citala, fair-haired and grey-skinned, the daughter of the chieftain of the merfolk, finds herself implacably drawn to the affairs of men. She puts events in motion that will end her people's years of isolation but that could imperil their very existence. All their fates will intertwine as they journey across the land, through duchies and free cities riven by political intrigue, religious fervour, and ancient hatreds. Alliances are being forged anew and after decades of wary peace, war is on the wind once again...

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